NEW or ESTABLISHED patients for acupuncture and massage services may book online below. For rehab and lymphedema services you may book online if you are an ESTABLISHED patient. If you are a NEW patient and would like to book rehab or lymphedema treatment please reach out to us via email at or call us at 737-237-5656 to schedule your initial session.

Massage appointments booked with Theresa Attea on Tuesday/Thursday/Friday are at her Southwest home office: 4237 Iriona Bend, Austin, TX 78749. Wednesday appointments are at our CRIM location at 1306 W Anderson Ln 78757

Massage Therapy

Oncology massage is designed to meet the unique needs of someone in treatment for cancer or with a history of cancer treatment. An individually tailored session with an oncology-trained massage therapist can yield benefits for nearly all persons affected by cancer. A gentle massage for those receiving treatment for cancer, or who have survived cancer to thrive, to relieve pain, lessen the side ... Read More

Oncology massage is designed to meet the unique needs of someone in treatment for cancer or with a history of cancer treatment. An individually tailored session with an oncology-trained massage therapist can yield benefits for nearly all persons affected by cancer. A gentle massage for those receiving treatment for cancer, or who have survived cancer to thrive, to relieve pain, lessen the side effects from chemotherapy treatments and boost and revitalize the immune system. Its benefits include:

- Reduced pain

- Decreased anxiety and stress

- Relief from nausea

- Diminished peripheral neuropathy

- Less swelling

- Increased energy, less fatigue

- Improved quality of life and sense of well-being

Theresa is a massage therapist specializing in gentle and highly effective techniques that assist oncology patients receiving cancer treatment, or after treatment, to heal and thrive. As a two time cancer survivor, stem cell transplant recipient, and registered nurse, she has the unique perspective of oncology massage from both sides of the bedrails. During her cancer treatment, she relied on massage and other complementary medicine practices to relieve her pain, lessen the side effects of chemotherapy and heal her body.

She is accustomed to working with clients with medically complex health issues, and is experienced with clients of all ages, from newborns to the elderly.

Each session is individualized to meet her client’s specific needs and treatment goals. Her approach is collaborative, as she empowers her clients to actively participate in their health and wellbeing, with compassion, understanding and generosity of spirit.

Theresa received her Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing from D’Youville College in 1988, in Buffalo, New York, and was the recipient of the Silver Medal of Honor in Nursing for Clinical Excellence. She worked in the hospital for 25 years as a critical care nurse, specializing in Pediatrics, and Clinical Quality and Patient Safety initiatives. In 1996, she was licensed as a Massage Therapist after studying at the Lauterstein-Conway School of Massage Therapy in Austin, TX. Theresa has oncology massage training from Tracy Walton’s cancer massage curriculum. She is a Massage Therapy Instructor at Austin Community College’s Massage Therapy Program, where she teaches the massage curriculum required for licensure by the State of Texas.

Theresa is a massage therapist specializing in gentle and highly effective techniques that assist... Read More

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